Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Here I go!

I'm starting my photography class tonight! I'm afraid I'm going to walk in there and be one big ball of energy! I'm so excited! I know I dabble in just about everything artistic out there but photography has to be the most inspiring thing I've come across in my 27 years on this planet! And I'm excited to up my skills and maybe, possibly becoming as good as some of the people I love! I have butterflies I'm so excited/ nervous! So wish me luck! I'm charging my camera battery as we speak.... er... as I type, and now its just a count down till tonight! I think I'm way over thinking everything! I have no idea what kinda of people are going to be in this class or how many people. The thought of, "Well what if they're way better than me?" or "What if this isn't going to teach me what I'm wanting to learn?" All will be answered tonight! I'll catch you up in the morning!!