Yep so far he's everything I've ever wanted in a dog. He doesn't listen, has really stinky poop and eats my kids... what more could I ask for?!?
Just kidding while yes he dose all thee above he offers more too! Walking him every night has provided the best work out regimen a girl could have! Someday he'll be trained and some day it wont be such an epic battle to get him to walk on the right side, which is the left side... right? Right. I took him to the vet yesterday to get all his puppy shots and they gave him a de-wormer.... which I was not aware of, and later last night as we went for our tug-of-war walk he decides he has to poop... (That's OK cause I was prepared with my little plastic blue poop bag!) But I was not expecting what happened next. Let me tell ya I was a little freaked out and a little curious at the same time. My dog pooped out worms. Yep dead baby snakes. So I'm freaked out, which is freaking my husband out and all I want to do is squat down and stare at it! Yuck, I know. So I baggie the #2 up and toss it in the closest garbage can I can find cause while I was caring that thing around all I could Envision was these dead worms coming to life and forcing their way through the little blue plastic baggie that was my last and only line of defense that was keeping them from piercing my skin and GIVING ME WORMS!!! I think I did a spaz walk the whole way home. Little creepy chills from what I just witness shivered down my spine with every step I took....
Now I'm just trying to get back to that, "Awe, that's my adorable Puppy!" place instead of this ," You're nothing but a worm farm Dog!!"
P.S took him out this morning, Poop looked good! He's now worm free and I'm back to Loving him!
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